Friday 1 May 2009


Eight Random Tweets

by Aaron Held

Crime sand man walks in to a pole, “Ouch, lath token of dome, semen soft touch boon doggers.” I wish it was just a fantasy.

Django walks his pistol, fires caps and I announced we were engaged with sour puss and film canisters in hand. Lowly fellow saw up my skirt.

I feel alime, caught spring rabbles and I'm thyme, di TIm moine evelato umm Barrel swamp tack hole manhole.

fightlimenooksParrotsdebunksmearmustard'seattheplazaToenailaforeignpuddingLossBugge r on a kite. Talk about the saloon. Remington white lies. Y

Investigate forks you find.

don't mean separate, I said "girl with a dog is so strange."

deposit the fun, HEY!

You will like every inch of your perfect.

Aaron Held am open to all forms of art/anti-art, but mostly focused on making visual art. Am very passionate about video making, collage, alternative photography and drawing. A collage of mine was featur'd in the first Discharge chap "Be Serpentine, the Hyde", and I have just released my own free e-chap "The 'I' Hides the pink Upright sparkling". My work can also be found on Discharge 5, Google video/youtube and Blogspot.

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